Change Your Body To Change Your Mind

Have you ever met someone who strength trains regularly? Who is being mocked because they spend seemingly all their free time at the gym?

If yes, think about how they reacted to that. Continue reading “Change Your Body To Change Your Mind”

How Intensity Affects Your Training

Especially if you are a beginner, chances are you are spending way too much time at the gym. Training everyday for two hours is not needed nor helpful if you want to build muscle.

If that example above sounds like you, I have a quick tip for you: You need to train with more intensity! Continue reading “How Intensity Affects Your Training”

The Skinny Guy´s Guide To Muscle Building

Being a skinny guy sucks. You may be tall, you may have a handsome face, you may even have the hint of a sixpack. But your shoulders are narrow and your arms look like twigs. Your biceps is as small as your wrists. When you go to the beach you look like a skeleton. Does this sound like you?

Then keep reading Continue reading “The Skinny Guy´s Guide To Muscle Building”